Potassium Sorbate
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Beechwood Smoked Malt
$ 2.45
This smoked malt is a traditional "rauchmalt" as used in German smoked beers. Smoke character is smooth and woody, without being earthy or ashy. May be used up to 100% Color 2.8L.
Belgian Dark Candi Sugar (1 lb.)
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Belgian Light Candi Sugar (1 lb.)
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Bitter Orange Peel (1oz)
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Aurantium amarae pericarpium Also called "Curaçau orange peel", these green-gray peels are one of the most popular specialty herbs on the market. They are used commercially by domestic brewers to duplicate the beer styles that put Belgium on the brewing map. While not very bitter, they are a key ingredient in Belgian style white beers.
Bloody Butcher corn- Unmalted
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A red "old school" variety hailing from Virginia that was popular in whiskey production during the 19th century. It is making a resurgence for good reason. Its unique flavor profile contributes a fruity and spicy character, somewhat reminiscent of chai. This product comes milled. Due to variances in crop harvest, color may vary on the red/purple...
Blue Hopi corn - Unmalted
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Brewer's Best Equipment Kit
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Briess 2-Row Brewers Malt
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Briess pale 2-row American brewers malt. Typical color 1.8L. Mildly malty sweet, less grainy, slightly grassy base malt suitable for most beer styles, especially North American styles.-DP 140. For full malt analysis, click here.
Briess CBW Malt Extracts (3.3 lbs.)
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These are our extracts of choice, both for price and quality. Very clean, high gravity malts. CBW stands for Concentrated Brewers Wort, which is exactly what these brewer's grade, pure malt extracts are—concentrates of brewers wort. CBW malt extracts are produced in a 500-bbl state-of-the-art brewhouse, the second largest in Wisconsin. After la...
Briess Dry Malt Extract (DME)
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Briess Special Roast
$ 2.55
Flavor contributions: toasty, biscuity, sourdough, tangy. Briess special roast provides a deep golden to brown color for ales. Typical Color L: 50 Not to be confused with Special B. Full spec sheet here.
Carahell 10L
$ 2.50
Carahell is a 10L crystal malt that imparts some golden hues and light pleasant candy-like sweetness. Adds some mouthfeel.