Riverbend Regenified Southern Select Pale Ale Malt

Product Description


This Riverbend Pale Ale malt is made with 100% 2-row Avalon barley cultivated on a farm in Maryland that is certified for Regenified™ practices. It is our initial Regenified offering, showcasing the importance of regenerative agriculture for the soil, waterways, and the environment as a whole. Regenerative farming utilizes a diverse approach to enhance soil quality and promote carbon sequestration.

Kilned to a higher color (3.5L) than both Southern Select and Base Camp, this malt is a great malt to try where you would use Maris Otter or other flavorful pale ale malts Expect notes of sugar cookie, melon, and honey in the final malt, which also has a luxurious mouthfeel rarely found in a Pale Ale malt.


$ 2.50

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